Hey I'm on a similar path with understanding male friendships, and have a book to recommend: We Need to Hang Out: A Memoir of Making Friends by Billy Baker. It's a great story of a regular guy trying to cultivate male friendships in adulthood. Easy and fun read. I would love to hang out and get to know you but sadly I'm in SoCal. Keep us updated on your journey!
Reply to nicholas
Thank you for the recommendation, Nicholas. I'll add it to my reading list. Will check in with you whenever I'm in SoCal next.
Reply to Hygge
Hey, first of all I love your username! I'm a woman but I'm really interested in what you describe about male friendships since I have a lot of close male friends who I see going through this a lot. In many ways I struggle with a lot of the same things too, which may be why I relate. It's so hard to nurture great friendships as you get older. It's a weird transition. I wish our society made it easier to spend time with others and build connections.
Reply to AverageGwentEnjoyer
Hilarious username. Wish we could to know each other, but alas, the distance. Do you have any tips for losing so much weight and changing up your lifestyle?
Reply to Jia
Thank you @AverageGwentEnjoyer. I agree - if only there was a playbook on adulting (navigating friendships, healthy relationship with technology, grocery shopping) (ㆆ_ㆆ)
Reply to Hygge
Thank you @Jia. I do visit the city a few times every month, happy to catch up if our schedule aligns. Regarding your question, it was a combination of calorie deficit, simplified eating and staying active (tennis, crossfit, swimming). Hope this helps!
Reply to Hygge
Sure, I'll send a coffee request which you can reciprocate if you like.
Reply to Jia
Sent a coffee request!
Reply to HopefulOptimist
Hey! I've been thinking a lot about male friendships recently too—I genuinely don't get why they aren't as valued as they should be (but alas!). Any recent book recommendations of things that surprised you/you might not have read otherwise?

It appears we're on opposite ends of the Bay Area, but if you ever want to grab coffee or something in the middle, lmk!
Reply to JackofFewTrades
Hi Jack of Few Trades, sorry missed this message. Texted you.
Reply to Hygge