SFPL rules! Such a great resource
Reply to pagrus
Early thirties and fairly recently married woman looking for a sense of where I fit in too! The struggle is real. SF is such a great place to figure it out though! I'm from Quebec and hear a lot of French in the streets around here so we definitely fit in linguistically
Reply to AverageGwentEnjoyer
SFPL has been on my to do list forever; this is great motivation to get more involved and spend more time there :) One of my best friends is from a small town near Dijon!
Reply to SarchimorWatery1
"The older I grow, the less I know where I fit in it seems, and realizing no one has it really figured out either." - Rings so true. Also in my 30s, recently married, no kids seeking deeper and meaningful friendships in SF. Sent you a coffee msg. :)
Reply to TheConstantGardener