Ohh! Urban planning sounds awesome. I took some urban planning classes during undergrad and wanted to minor in it. Good luck on the job search :)
@Newtothisyall Hey! Thanks. It is an interesting field.
@Newtothisyall I saw you enjoy browsing Reddit. Do you have a sub in particular you gravitate to or do you browse a variety of subs with no preference?
@cleanleathery1 So sorry I didn’t see your message until now. Sent you a coffee rec! Tbh, right not I’ve been browsing to book rec subreddits, ones for shows I’m into, but my feed is a whole bunch of random subreddits I’ve somehow stumbled upon that I found interesting. What about you?
@Newtothisyall It's ok! I did not see your coffee rec but thank you :)
@cleanleathery1 what are the books you are browsing? What interests you most? My feed is about self improvement, careers, hiking and photography right now