Oooh, a fellow board gamer! What board games have you been playing as of late? I've been on a bit of a Root kick with some of my board gaming group, among some other mainstays like Avalon.
Reply to BlozzyBloz
Hello! I enjoy playing playing some medium to heavy games like Barcelona, Darwin's Journey, Brass, and Wingspan. I love Reiner Knizia's games as well. What about yourself? What does your board game group frequently play/enjoy? Root is a great game and have been playing the digital version on steam.
Reply to JuicySundriedtomato1
We have a tendency to rotate through our games, so in addition to Root and Avalon, we've done some games like Betrayal (at Baldur's Gate, because I'm the D&D fan), Catan (if we've got a lot of time), 7 Wonders, Splendor, Dixit, Magic Dragons, and more. I'm immensely thankful for one of my former neighbors for introducing me to the world of board games, and they've got a literal library with specialized shelves with an incomprehensible amount of games. I've recently played Wingspan and I've also got a copy of the new Wyrmspan, which I'm looking forward to setting up. What do you think of Brass? I've had my eye on it, but I'm not super sure my group will be a fan of its theming/premise. And what Knizia games might you also recommend?
Reply to BlozzyBloz
Hey, seems like I'm in about the same place. Send you a coffee invite.
Reply to ObsessiveFoodie