Hey, just saw your comment! And sent a coffee invitation
Reply to JEP
Open mics are great, do you think you'll do another one?
Reply to fuzz
@fuzz I agree, open mics are great. I love the support people give to each other. We’re all practically strangers, but support each other. Yes, I have done another one already. I shared a journal entry. It went really well. I plan on doing another one, I have a short story I want to share.
Reply to GoodmorningBeen2
@GoodmorningBeen2 @fuzz BTW, is your bookstore online or brick-and-mortar (or both)?
Reply to GoodmorningBeen2
I can totally relate to the power of being in front of a crowd! I'm a dancer and singer (not professionally), and the feeling I get when I know I have the audience's attention and I'm bringing them into my world is so gratifying.
Reply to yoghurtpretzel
@yoghurtpretzel Ah, good description. That’s so true, you are bringing the audience into your world. I didn’t realize that part. Where do you sing and dance in front of an audience?
Reply to GoodmorningBeen2
@GoodmorningBeen2 I don't do it in front of an audience so much these days, but I used to sing at open mics and dance with independent choreographers, in galleries and performance spaces, that sort of thing.
Reply to yoghurtpretzel
@yoghurtpretzel I was roaming through LA this past weekend and came across an African vegan cafe. They have open-mic nights (and good food). It's nice to see there are more of these spaces available so people can express themselves. I find it fascinating that you danced in galleries.
Reply to GoodmorningBeen2
Oh, dancers will dance anywhere someone lets them! Especially since performing spaces are expensive. I also really love something called site-specific dance, where you create a dance meant to be performed in a specific place. I think having dancers bring movement into a nontraditional space makes you experience that space differently, helps you imagine.
Reply to yoghurtpretzel
@yoghurtpretzel Site-specific dance? That makes sense, I never thought about that but it makes total sense. It's like those art installments at parks or in the woods, where artist create some art piece that blends or goes with its surroundings. With dancing, I can imagine the sights, sounds, smells of the site is what leads your body movement. Interesting. I have another open-mic session this Friday, I'll share a short story I wrote. But I'm going to go in it with this site-specific idea in mind, let's see if I can create some ideas for a story to write.
Reply to GoodmorningBeen2