El Cerrito
I bring my own food containers to pack leftover when I go out to eat.
San Francisco
I multitask in a perhaps off-putting way. I'm always doing at least 2 things at a time, sometimes 3. Like I will be eating dinner while playing a computer game and also watching TV (volume on for both if no one's around, I am most comfortable with just the right amount of sensory chaos)
San Francisco
I can only whistle subconsciously. If I start realizing that I am whistling, I will somehow stop
Haha, I write in cursive too! Like BlozzyBozz said, I'm in a situation where my writing looks good from a distance, but is hard to actually read. On a similar note, I still prefer taking notes (of any kind) by hand, rather than on a laptop or tablet!
Laguna Woods
I think about and approach the future... differently.
When alone, I walk around very fast, with my angry face on, as a deterrence against crime and sexual assault. It definitely works! All these years, no one has even thought about attacking me~
Probably most things.
I also write in cursive - though, oddly enough, it was more out of necessity during school because my print handwriting was nearly unreadable (and still is), so I essentially used cursive to retrain myself to write legibly. Unfortunately, now it seems that most people can't read cursive, which has led to the comment I've had where people say that "your handwriting is beautiful, but I can't read it!"
While walking as a pedestrian, I'll pretend I'm not crossing the street to skip the 'after you' dance, making pedestrian flow more efficient despite defying norms.
I’m chaotically ambidextrous - there’s no predicting which hand I’ll use for everyday things. For example, used to write with left but later switched to right. I can throw equally well/poor using either arm.
I use smell consciously and actively - to identify people, navigate, watch the weather, or otherwise keep an eye out for changes and things going on around me. My sense of smell is very keen!
Vacation planning. I play it by ear for most parts other than these steps: 1. find a destination, 2. pack items, 3. go.
I write the letter S backwards. I start from the bottom left. The number 5, too. I didn’t even realize this until high school when I was writing something on the board and everyone called me out on it.
San Francisco
Write in cursive