My ability to help people create a space that's calm and without judgment, where we can understand each other.
My pursuit of trying to understand myself and the world better, even if that entails challenging long held beliefs and societal norms. The motivation stems from showing up for my family as the best version of me.
My ability to use my curiosity in so many ways. Might be a Reddit rabbit hole one minute, learning cool sciency stuff the next, or asking questions and making meaningful connections the next.
I like my authenticity. What you see is what you get!
I really love my ability to turn most mundane activities in to adventures. Need to go grocery shopping? Lets go to a new store so we have no idea where anything is and can check out different items. On a long drive? That little shack looks interesting, lets stop and see what it is. I am always happy to ask the questions and go a little farther just to see what could be.
@Kikimarie I like the idea of making an adventure of mundane things by switching it up a little, I’m taking this idea!
I like that I don't feel pressure to go with the flow. I'm comfortable being alone and being honest with myself.
My curiosity to learn even at my age. Plus I do like to meet/talk with new people and do my sports.
I love my sense of humor—which ranges from cutesy to straight up feral and inappropriate. I also love my determination and my tenacity. And how if I’m talking about the right stuff, I could go on and on
I love my stubborn insistence on building my own perspective and understanding of things. Learning is a process of building connections and I want to be as connected to the world around me as possible. It helps me to feel more human and more awake.