San Jose
Being where I am now. As an immigrant, adjusting to a new country can feel like an identity crisis—you’re caught between where you came from and where you’re trying to belong. But I’m learning to appreciate the journey, the opportunities ahead, and the growth that comes with starting fresh.
San Mateo
Living with my husband. We did long distance for almost a decade before moving in and its really been amazing being able to share mundane moments with each other such as grocery shopping and mowing the lawn.
I'm grateful that I get to decide what to do with my time on most days. I make my own schedule, determine my own work, and prioritize activities that are important to me.
Finally having a good work-life balance. Being able to physically and mentally check out of work after hours is wonderful.
San Mateo
After 8 months, i finally am employed again! I am super grateful for that.
I'm grateful that I get to do what I love everyday, that I am healthy in the mind and body. Simplicity is the key to happiness for me, when things get chaotic I go back to the basics and realize how lucky I am to have my needs met..everything else is just extra
San Francisco
I am grateful for each day I see and knowing that I have a choice in how my day unfolds. It’s very easy to get bogged down and fixate on the negatives, but it will always be my choice to be consumed by them or not.
San Jose
I’m grateful that I’m still here and have overcome some rough days in the past. But more importantly I’m grateful to be able to communicate with everyone here and learn more that there is to this life that surrounds us and stresses out but is so beautifully complex and simple at the same time.
Costa Mesa
for me it's an easy one...I'm extremely grateful I'm healthy and can move around without any problems.
That I currently still have affordable rent and am not struggling to pay my bills. I've seen so many friends and family have their payments skyrocket so the fact that I am able to be (mildly) comfortable without much stress about immediate expenses is a good feeling. I'll never be able to afford a home here, but at least I can get by without moving to Bakersfield (yet)!
I am extremely fortunate to have my mother-in-law. My wife and I both work, and without her incredible help, I don’t know if we would have had a child, let alone a second. My parents, being more traditionally American, have always encouraged me to be independent, and I appreciate that as well. However, having multi-generational support in raising a family turns the impossible into the possible, and I couldn’t be more grateful.