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At Around The Corner, we strive to create a safe and inclusive community for all members to connect and engage with one another.
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While ATC encourages sharing knowledge and experiences, refrain from excessive self-promotion, spamming, or advertising. The focus should be on meaningful connections and conversations.
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By participating in the Around The Corner community, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. Any violations may result in appropriate actions, including warnings, temporary or permanent removal from the community, depending on the severity of the infraction.
He / Him
Los Gatos, CA
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Where are you at in your life stage?
Recently laid off from a software engineering position. Currently in grad school, enjoying nature and appreciating family while applying. Unmarried, no children, and sort of new to the area.
How's your life?
I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately due to massive life changes but I’m working on resettling in the bay. All in all, can’t complain honestly.
What helps you keep your sanity?
In Boston, I’d cycle, rock climb, or check out towns along the commuter rails. I’m looking to get into mountain biking while I’m here but haven’t gotten a bike yet. Reading and writing help too.
What is most important to you right now?
Finding a new friend group and doing social stuff. Family and career are important too but without a sense of belonging it can be difficult to focus on the other things.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Currently reading a book that serves as a scathing rebuke of car centric infrastructure. Will probably move to something on the extra judicial power of sheriffs afterwards.
I’m down to find an indoor climbing buddy if you’re into that. Unfortunately haven’t been cleared for physical activity yet and probably won’t start until next year, but in the meantime can see if we vibe?
Reply to DryMarshmallow1
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around the corner
where two strangers meet over coffee
She / Her
Mountain View, CA

I once visited this super cool "floating market" in Vietnam
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Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm someone in my early 40s, currently dating. The hardest part is 1) making new connections (I'm a transplant) and 2) maintaining the ones I have because most of my friends are busy with their spouses and kids. Recently one of my best friends had shoulder surgery and is currently housebound for the next 6 weeks and I'm secretly thrilled! I call her at anytime without worrying that I'm interfering with her life and she likes it when I call because she's super bored haha.
How's your life?
It's a lot better ever since I switched jobs and aren't pulling 14-hour days. I got really burned out at one point. So I'm learning to take breaks and not make my whole life about work (even though I enjoy my career!). Tomorrow I'm doing a movie night with coworkers and in a couple of weeks I'm visiting Japan for the first time. It feels weirdly scary to take PTO but I'm telling myself it's OK. I think being the daughter of refugees has made me think that life is just about work and survival but I'm sure my parents would want me to be happy too.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Getting lost in a good book
What is most important to you right now?
Wellness. Got a personal trainer! I'm getting my azz kicked! :D
Anything you recently found interesting?
Okay so I used to think sports were really boring. Guys going back and forth across the field? Racecars going around and around in circles? I have never been so happy to be so wrong. One of my exes taught me about American football and WOW it is endlessly interesting. There are so many cool scenarios that can happen right down to the last 2 seconds. And then there's Formula 1 -- so many interesting situations there too! The choice of tire compound the weather conditions the tracks themselves it's all so so interesting and so great.
Definitely get it about the friends with spouses and kids! I had a solid group, and then everyone went and got married - some of them to each other - or they left the Bay Area. C'est la vie, I suppose.
Reply to RAF11
@RAF11 I guess they'll return to us when their kids turn 18?? LOL. But yeah, over time I've noticed that most of my friends are child-free
Reply to heyyyfever

The 13th Silent Reading Party @ Woodbridge, Irvine
Sun, Mar 16
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Woodbridge, Irvine
Join us for a low-key social gathering. Bring one of your books that’s been sitting on your reading list.
View details
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What do you like most about yourself?
Asked by
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My ability to help people create a space that's calm and without judgment, where we can understand each other.
My pursuit of trying to understand myself and the world better, even if that entails challenging long held beliefs and societal norms. The motivation stems from showing up for my family as the best version of me.
My ability to use my curiosity in so many ways. Might be a Reddit rabbit hole one minute, learning cool sciency stuff the next, or asking questions and making meaningful connections the next.
He / Him
San Francisco, CA

Sea Cliff Av makes my jaw drop
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Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm at my quarter-life-, what-do-i-want-for-a-midlife crisis stage. I'm in my mid-twenties, moved to San Francisco a little bit more than a year ago (have loved every minute of it). I'm also early in my career doing something I am passionate about but work, for me, has been a way to do the things that make me earn life experiences; I predominantly get this by doing a lot of things outdoors so I am very active but I also love to consume art as well be that through reading, watching, or listening.
How's your life?
Peaceful, content, and exciting.
It surprises me daily that my life is this way because there was a point 2-3 years ago where I wouldn't have imagined life would ever be good to me. I'm extremely grateful for where I am today.
I have a couple close friends with whom I do a lot of activities but I mostly do things by myself (I enjoy them very much) — things like picking a neighborhood and zigzagging through it to explore. I haven't made many new friends since moving to the city because I just end up doing things by myself but I want to break that and try to go out of my comfort zone, hoping this happens through AroundTheCorner because meeting new people, and making new friendships is a life experience I struggle to earn.
What helps you keep your sanity?
3 o'clock tea time. It is a sacred time, a non-negotiable that I look forward to daily. Making tea, while singing along to my tea time playlist with the sun shining through my windows and the breeze playing with my curtains is a sight I will never get tired of.
Along with this, I also have reading time, gaming time, and exploration time. Each meaningful and special to me its own way.
What is most important to you right now?
Not losing the wonder with which I saw the world as a kid. Do you remember how the grass, wind, sun, clouds and everything else, small and big, (even the gray of the walls) awed you as a kid? I think we get caught up in life and stop appreciating all that after a point. I live slow, to relearn the wonder and curiosity I inadvertently put aside.
I love to travel (currently planning my first solo trip to Costa Rica!), taking photos, and looking with awe at everything this fabulous pale blue dot has to offer.
Anything you recently found interesting?
A travelogue called "Cyclettes".
It's about all the cycles the author has owned and the impact each one of them had on them. My cycle, and cycling in general, is something I hold dear because it was how I was first able to express my freedom. I always heard "freedom", and "free" as a kid but never really expressed it or experienced it's meaning until I started cycling. This travelogue/memoir caught my eye immediately because I could relate to it in a lot of ways.
Hi! I love how you expanded on childlike wonder and perception. I feel as if it is all too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the mundane routine of life when transitioning into adulthood- I strive to maintain my curiosity for life and appreciate the beauty that exists in the little things. I found the concept of your Costa Rica trip interesting! Solo traveling is definitely something I would like to try but I am hesitant to do so because traveling alone is a scary concept to me. Sent a coffee req :)
Reply to spidergrl
3pm tea time (and making time for other enjoyable things) is a great idea! Any favorite songs from your playlist?
Reply to kittygarden03
She / Her
Irvine, CA

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Where are you at in your life stage?
Living the SINK life: single income no kids. :) Very happily in a LDR though it means I feel more single than coupled on a day-to-day basis. Pretty happy with my work as well; it keeps me busy and I don't hate it. I work remotely (amazing commute from the bed to the desk!) and sooommmeettimmmeesss.... I wish I had an office to go into. I miss having random conversations in the kitchen or taking walks for morning coffee or to refresh in the afternoon.
Socially I'm looking to get out there a bit more. Right now probably just looking for some casual friends to spend some time and/or try new experiences with. (If we become besties super cool! If not no pressure. I've learned everyone's path goes their own way and just enjoy the time together.)
How's your life?
Life is going okay. Work is interesting but not keeping me fully occupied so I'm looking for some more! Recently-ish (everything is only 3 months in this post-covid world! or maybe I'm just growing old...) moved down from the Bay Area to be closer to family but I unfortunately left all my friends behind. Plus I'm a homebody and an introvert so it's been hard to make friends. I swing between being lonely and wanting to be ALL THE SOCIALS and being content rolling around the couch. (Couch potatoes unite!)
What helps you keep your sanity?
Playing games and drinking boba! I play one computer game (guildwars 2) and I just turn my brain off as I mindlessly hit buttons. Sometimes I even accomplish something! Otherwise I'm fortunate to have some close friends who will listen to me blah blah blah when things are getting too much. They laugh at my misfortunes; I get emotional release: wins all around! (Don't worry! I won't blah blah on you until we're good friends! I'm an introvert until we're good friends.. then it's hard to shut me up. >:) )
Also boba. When things are good: celebrate with boba. When things are bad: cheer up by drinking boba! Boba solves all. (Welcoming all boba recommendations! I tend to prefer the simple: milk tea or fruit tea and boba.)
What is most important to you right now?
Enjoying my life! I hope to have a family in the future but children are a BIG responsibility. I'll just enjoy my freedom now while I still can! Also looking to set down more roots in OC and make some friends. It'd be great to hang out once every 2-3 weeks and do something new/interesting/fun. (Or we could.. just grab some boba, chit chat, and go for walks? I could probably swing that once a week... I have a very limited social meter that just got shorter over the pandemic!)
Oh.. and maybe becoming more healthy.... maybe... can someone please gift me some motivation? :(
Anything you recently found interesting?
Escape Games: I know they've been around forever but they're reallllyyy so fun! I'm always down for an escape game.
More a shower thought but: The nicer the house/apartment/etc. the more people tend to stay at home and thus build less connections. In contrast if your house/apartment sucks you just always want to go out and then you meet more people! Such a weird aftereffect of prosperity??
hi there! i lived in norcal for several years and moved down recently! happy to chat and connect, sent you a coffee chat! :)
Reply to ikigai
Recently went to a very nice Vietnamese-owned boba shop called Mirakuru! They’re always changing up the interior decorations & their custom boba cup sleeves~ Plus, their sweetness levels feel actually accurate (not super sweet). Highly recommend :)
Reply to mugeunji
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He / Him
Mountain View, CA

My favorite photo I took in Antarctica. The trip changed a lot in my life for the better.
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Where are you at in your life stage?
My wife and I are in our early 30s and trying to settle into the bay after moving here in 2022. I've been in my career doing commodities consulting for over a decade and am trying to grow more outside of my career. Kids are in the plans for the next few years, but currently child-free.
How's your life?
In many ways it's great, but since moving to the bay establishing a social circle has been challenging. Working from home only compounds that.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Traveling and getting away from work. My wife and I try to make many small trips throughout the year with some bigger ones. Enjoy as much of our youth until kids make travel harder. I became adept at getting cheap/free travel when I traveled regularly for work, so playing that game and planning the next vacation is my favorite daydream.
What is most important to you right now?
Right now getting my wife and I to feel more at home in the Bay Area is my biggest priority. We've been here for more than 18 months but haven't found many close friendships.
Anything you recently found interesting?
It's an hour faster to fly SFO-London than it is SFO-Tokyo. The scale of the Pacific is just insane and makes the success of the Polynesian explorers seem impossible.
That sounds fantastic! It's great that you and your wife make time for both small and big trips throughout the year. We plan to stay locally in California this year and explore more the state parks. Do you have any exciting trips lined up soon?
Reply to JuicySundriedtomato1
She / Her
San Francisco, CA

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Where are you at in your life stage?
Recently got laid off from work so my days are currently free and unstructured as I plan my next move.
I spend a lot of my days drinking tea, vegging out on my couch with book in hand, eating delicious things, taking photos of beautiful things, and being obsessed with an orange cat on the internet named Jorts.
How's your life?
Surviving the chaos, you know how it is! Me and my plants.
What helps you keep your sanity?
I got back into gardening after a long hiatus, and I am officially in my grandma/cottage core era. I can't believe how much I miss it. Playing with dirt and soil feels so primal that it teleports me straight back to my childhood.
What is most important to you right now?
It's definitely not a career, or family, but real connections. I want to cultivate deep and fulfilling relationships, but unfortunately this has been difficult to achieve for the same reasons why it's hard to make friends post college.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Anything I recently found interesting?
Around the Corner! Love the concept.
I love Jorts! Have any cats of your own?
Reply to pluginmuse
I'm currently learning how to grow my vegetable garden (basically anything besides cactus). Would love to connect.
Reply to Hygge
She / Her
Oakland, CA

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Where are you at in your life stage?
Mid-30s, pretty settled in my career, and have a fantastic community of friends and family in and outside of the Bay. I'm single, searching for a long-term partner, and am looking to expand my circle/community (in all ways!).
How's your life?
Zooming out, it's pretty good! Sometimes I feel like a kid still, just with more money and responsibilities. I never thought I'd laugh this much as an adult!
I'm quite happy with my day to day life, but when I'm 80 and reflecting on my life, I want to feel fulfilled and content and like I squeezed a lot of love, meaning, gratitude, purpose, and memories into it. So I'm always looking for ways to add more of those things!
What helps you keep your sanity?
Being outside, hiking, cycling, beach volleyball; croissants, berries, pizza, sushi, dark roast coffee; tall mountains + glacial lakes; traveling; finding great bakeries in small little towns; a heavy dose of laughing with friends and family balanced with a few minutes of introvert time per day
What is most important to you right now?
Spending meaningful time with family and friends while developing new connections and relationships, including finding a long-term partner.
Seeing the outdoors and exploring new places.
Understanding myself and understanding others. Continuous self-reflection and growth.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I still can't wrap my head around how large the number 52! is (the number of unique ways you can shuffle a deck of cards)
Sent a request :)
Reply to StreetSymphony1
Sent a request. Would love to check out any good bakery - found a few in Berkeley recently :)
Reply to Hygge
What was a formative moment in your life?
Asked by
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I was a senior in high school at the time of the Columbine shooting. Back in 1999, a mass shooting at a school was shocking and terrifying in a way that people had a hard time processing. Immediately, my school started banning trench coats. Guards were hired to patrol the campus. Suddenly, the school administration had a list of all of the students they thought were at-risk and we all got called into the school counselors office to talk. I was a pretty angsty kid and all of this seemed pretty thoughtless and reactionary to me.
There was one teacher that didn't take the bait, though. My English teacher, Mr. McClure, walked into class the next day with a half-dozen newspaper clippings in his hand. He started off by saying that we were all about to hear a torrent of news reports full of pundits and experts asking what has gone wrong with our generation. Then he said as firmly as he could, "Do not believe them." He said that the media made money by selling advertisements and the more eyes and ears that they could get to pay attention to them, the more money they could get for that ad space. The easiest way to get those viewers is to drum up anger and fear. He said, "It's cheap, lazy, dishonest, and you deserve better. There is nothing wrong with your generation. These stories are all from local papers put out this week. Here's one about high school kids organizing a beach clean-up. Here's a local girl who just got a full scholarship to MIT. The Mission Viejo swim team just won another championship. These are all just the stories I was able to find yesterday. The truth is that I don't even need to see these stories because I get to teach you kids every day and you are all amazing, caring, bright, creative, and decent kids. Don't let the parasite new media ever make you think there's something wrong with you because it's just a lie they tell to sell ads. If there's nothing else that any of you remember from this class, please remember this. You are the best part of my day and you're the reason I'm here. Please know how valuable each and every one of you really is."
That was almost 26 years ago and I still remember it more than anything else that ever happened to me as a teenager. That two-minute speech from Mr. McClure taught me a lot. It taught me to think deeper about the information I am taking in and to question not only if it was valid but why the information was being shared to begin with. It taught me that there is always an expanded perspective that one can gain when they choose to take a step back and look at things from different points of view. Most importantly, it taught me that the way I choose to frame my own understanding of the world has a huge impact on who I become as a person. When I was watching about that horrible shooting on the news, I was getting sucked into the narrative they were selling. I was thinking of myself as another angry and disaffected teen. When Mr. McClure offered us a different perspective, it changed the way I felt about myself. It changed the way I felt about the world around me.
I know there were a lot of moments in my life that made big differences for me, but that one stands out. That moment made me want to focus more on things that make me feel grateful, hopeful, joyful, and caring. It taught me that I have a choice in what I pay attention to and that choice matters.
There was one teacher that didn't take the bait, though. My English teacher, Mr. McClure, walked into class the next day with a half-dozen newspaper clippings in his hand. He started off by saying that we were all about to hear a torrent of news reports full of pundits and experts asking what has gone wrong with our generation. Then he said as firmly as he could, "Do not believe them." He said that the media made money by selling advertisements and the more eyes and ears that they could get to pay attention to them, the more money they could get for that ad space. The easiest way to get those viewers is to drum up anger and fear. He said, "It's cheap, lazy, dishonest, and you deserve better. There is nothing wrong with your generation. These stories are all from local papers put out this week. Here's one about high school kids organizing a beach clean-up. Here's a local girl who just got a full scholarship to MIT. The Mission Viejo swim team just won another championship. These are all just the stories I was able to find yesterday. The truth is that I don't even need to see these stories because I get to teach you kids every day and you are all amazing, caring, bright, creative, and decent kids. Don't let the parasite new media ever make you think there's something wrong with you because it's just a lie they tell to sell ads. If there's nothing else that any of you remember from this class, please remember this. You are the best part of my day and you're the reason I'm here. Please know how valuable each and every one of you really is."
That was almost 26 years ago and I still remember it more than anything else that ever happened to me as a teenager. That two-minute speech from Mr. McClure taught me a lot. It taught me to think deeper about the information I am taking in and to question not only if it was valid but why the information was being shared to begin with. It taught me that there is always an expanded perspective that one can gain when they choose to take a step back and look at things from different points of view. Most importantly, it taught me that the way I choose to frame my own understanding of the world has a huge impact on who I become as a person. When I was watching about that horrible shooting on the news, I was getting sucked into the narrative they were selling. I was thinking of myself as another angry and disaffected teen. When Mr. McClure offered us a different perspective, it changed the way I felt about myself. It changed the way I felt about the world around me.
I know there were a lot of moments in my life that made big differences for me, but that one stands out. That moment made me want to focus more on things that make me feel grateful, hopeful, joyful, and caring. It taught me that I have a choice in what I pay attention to and that choice matters.
I was a dual immersion kid, learning in English and Spanish from K - 11th. I grew up hating being in the program; I hated speaking Spanish and I wished so badly to be in "normal school." I didn't understand why my parents put me in Las Palmas. It wasn't until high school when I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go on a class trip to Spain. I was on bus, leaving the airport, driving through Madrid, and it clicked: I can read the signs. I can understand what the tour guide is saying. I know a little about the history of this place. I was like "oooh, I get it now. This is why they did it. This is why mom and dad put me in that program." That's when my love of travel really started. That love of travel turned into a major change at Saddleback when Film didn't work out. If you like travel so much, why don't you work in hotels? That's the career path I've taken, hospitality, all because I took one trip, all because I was a dual immersion kid.
Breaking my arm goofing around as a kid. After that, I shifted away from a lot of my physical hobbies realizing my fragile state and limitations. One of my favorite things to do was to shoot baskets. While I learned to shoot okay 1 handed with my left hand, my right arm could never follow through the same again. I happened to fall into computer animation, and then programming. Funny how an accident and misjudgment caused such a realignment for me.
He / Him
San Francisco, CA

Recently started exploring photography and sketching thoes photos as a form of mindfulness/focus
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Where are you at in your life stage?
Early/soon-to-be-mid 20s, and moved to the city a little under a year ago after graduation. A good number of my close friends stayed in the area as well, great for an initial base of social life but also causing me to find myself not exploring socially as much as I could. I've been trying to figure out how to define life for myself post-graduation - the routines that keep me sane, and how to break those up to keep things interesting.
How's your life?
Pretty good. I enjoy my work and am pretty satisfied with my social life even as I learn to explore more socially and find my footing in the city.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Lifting, drawing, reading, cooking when I have the time, and existing around others
What is most important to you right now?
Developing and defining my social life further
Anything you recently found interesting?
I started sketching somewhat consistently a few weeks back, without any real knowledge/practice previously. Didn't realize that I'd end up with a fairly consistent style after just a few days of doing it, despite it not being something i know how to describe still
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