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around the corner where two strangers meet over coffee in the Central Coast area


He / Him

Santa Cruz, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
In a decent place! Lots of wild detours. Met some great people along the way. Learned a lot about myself and what really matters to me. Trying to into all of that more fully with patience, compassion, and a touch of boldness.
How's your life?
Big question. Simple response. I take it a day at a time. I see life is more list a mystery to unfold than a problem to solve. I try to make good choices. I try to be helpful. And I aspire to make the most of every day. I love learning in all forms. I love people and building community. I have done that in some rather unique ways that have helped me see how people and groups share each other. It's one of the things I'm most passionate about.
What helps you keep your sanity?
People and causes I care about. Connecting to things bigger than myself.
What is most important to you right now?
Richer sense of community, more strong friendships that evolve meaningfully over time.
Anything you recently found interesting?
So much that this question is overwhelming. Lol.
Coffee Tasting @ Blue Hummingbird Coffee
Sat, Oct 26 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Irvine, CA
Dive into the rich world of specialty coffee with Blue Hummingbird Coffee! Join our exclusive tasting event to explore diverse bean origins, guided by coffee experts. 

All participants will take home a gift bag of the assorted freshly roasted beans used in the tasting, allowing you to recreate the experience at home. Don't miss this unique opportunity to elevate your coffee knowledge and palate – limited spots available, so reserve yours today!
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If adulting wasn't a thing, what would be your ideal way to spend time and enjoy life?
Asked by


Monterey Park
So much traveling! I have such a love for historical architecture, and a fascination with different cultures. I'd want to eat everything, learn different cultural norms and try out new activities. Like, I've never been horse-riding but I do archery. It'd be cool to get to try archery practice on a horse. Or snowboarding. I've never tried mountains outside of California so that sounds like a fun trip too.
I would spend time with people who I enjoy their company doings things both of us loved.
I would spend my time learning languages and linguistics - both are so fascinating to me! and I really believe that learning languages opens one's mind to new ideas/philosophies via access to other cultures


She / Her

Santa Cruz, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m at a transitional point, which I'm sure is fairly typical for someone in their mid-20s! I’m working a temporary job in Santa Cruz while applying to grad school programs across the country. I would love to have some friends in the meantime, as applying to grad school feels like a lonely process!
How's your life?
Overall, it has been fantastic, and I’m very, very, grateful for the progress I have made. Right now, I’m trying to find balance in a busy work schedule. I tend to isolate when I feel overwhelmed, but being lonely isn’t good for my mental health either. I think having some local friends would ground me.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Writing poetry, reading speculative fiction, going on long walks, and dancing and singing to music in my room.
What is most important to you right now?
Self-growth, compassion, community.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Did you know that the modernization of the printing press played a huge role in the development of nation-states and Christianity as a worldwide religion?
As a recent new grad who went through the whole application process, I empathize! It can be harrowing but hang in there! You will get through it. :)


She / Her

Boulder Creek, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
Mid 30s in a happy committed relationship just beginning my third career (it was a rough road but I'm glad I'm here now).
How's your life?
Pretty good. I like my home life; I like my work and colleagues; I love where I live. I'm a critical one. I think I'm too critical of my circumstances. Nothing is ever perfect but I'm genuinely happy these days.
Anything you recently found interesting?
My boyfriend and I are all prepped to try to grow mushrooms (the grocery store kind though I fully approve of all mushrooms).


He / Him

Goleta, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
Pretty good! Keep busy enough that I wish for more hours in a day. Left a very stressful job 2 years ago and finally recovered enough. Make enough money and am fine on my career growth. Hardest thing is social life/dating life right now, but have plenty of hobbies to make up for it.
How's your life?
A little chaotic, but being relatively stress free is nice. A little young to be saying this, but I think I accomplished everything I wanted to career wise. A lot of pressure taken off because of that!
What helps you keep your sanity?
I go in spurts of being hyper social to hermit. Plus always having a trip planned out.
What is most important to you right now?
Travel! I used to go on a big trip every two years, but since covid I go every year!
Anything you recently found interesting?
Ive been slowly attacking my stack of books, This is How You Lose the Time War was the best thing I read this year.


He / Him

Salinas, CA

Projector's photo

Yosemite Horsetail Falls/Firefall. Was able to take this in person this year.

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’ve been commuting to San Jose for school or work since 2010. While I do have some friends I find it hard to make time to work on a social circle considering the commute and needing to get home to feed my cats.
How's your life?
I’m starting to realize that I need to get out and enjoy life while I can. I found myself recently single, and I'm still trying to figure out how to live life only worrying about myself.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Getting to do things outdoors, like hiking and camping. Going to standup comedy shows and just trying to relax. I was really into fostering/raising kittens, but stopped after my partner and I split. I'm still a big cat person (and a cat dad).
What is most important to you right now?
Recently found myself single after a long term relationship, so I’m transitioning into figuring out how to do just do things on my own now.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I recently got back into working out and just trying to stay active. I think I found a new hobby in hiking at state/county parks & trails. I'm also very into trying new food spots and expanding my bookmarks of places to eat.


She / Her

Santa Barbara, CA

burgersandbeaches's photo

Somewhere above Colorado before dreamland

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’ve lived a lot of life in my short 31 years so far and I’m eager for more! My career is (was?) steady despite a recent layoff. I’m happy with myself, my community, the place I call home. Living in SB is such a privilege and worth every bit of effort it takes to make it work out here.
How's your life?
The last year-ish of life has been my most challenging yet, but I feel more optimistic and genuinely excited about life itself than I have in years. I’m calling this chapter “metamorphic goo” as I shift so many gears at once - it’s been a lot! I’ve been craving peace for a long while and I finally feel like I have it once more. Life is tumultuous but life is good, really truly actually good.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Solitude, nature, traveling, community, long phone calls, concerts, Disneyland, so many things with some polarizing variances but all in moderation.
What is most important to you right now?
I’ve lost connection to many of my hobbies over the last few years and I’m on a mission to regain what makes me most myself. Hiking, running, going to the movies, baking, art… so many activities! I want to rediscover balance between work and play.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I travel a lot and I fly often. We all know that boarding is tedious and I’ve spent a lot of time wondering, “why isn’t this process more efficient?” Or, “wouldn’t it be better to board from the back of plane to the front?” I did some reading on case studies and such, then I went to the National Museum of Flight in Scotland and it was so damn obvious. Gravity. Planes are on wheels. Between baggage and fuel and passengers and the plane itself, gravity affects balance of the aircraft. If we loaded all passengers at the back first, the plane would have an incredibly high possibility of tipping backwards because of the uneven weight distribution. Boarding “first class first” is about leveling weight distribution as much as it’s about maintaining status quo.
I found your interesting research very interesting and informative....!! It all makes sense now why boarding starts at the front of the plane ...
What unexpected joy did you encounter today?
Asked by


I was able to pick up everything off my floor enough to vacuum. Was surprisingly cathartic.
Mission Viejo
I slept really well for the first time in months, I'm really happy
This afternoon, I made matcha with the best dispersion of green tea powder I've ever managed in the past few months.


She / Her

Goleta, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I am at a blessed point in my life! And I am focused on developing my skills, social circle, and relationship with God. I am excited to hopefully make new friends!
How's your life?
My life is doing well! I am working a fine job, attending community events, and participating in stable hobbies. Plus, I am a caring and humble female that loves nature and science!
What helps you keep your sanity?
The Bible/Gospel/Word without a doubt keeps me sane. Yeshua died on the cross for me and I have happily given my soul to Him. I am passionate about Spreading His Word. All glory goes to God.
What is most important to you right now?
The most important thing to me right now would have to be my relationship with God, first and foremost, and then it would be growing my social circle. I don’t have a lot of friends, so hopefully I will be blessed in making true ones soon!
Anything you recently found interesting?
Yes, the world is very interesting. There are many secrets that lie within it. So, let’s uncover them together! Blessings to everyone!