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around the corner where two strangers meet over coffee


She / Her

Irvine, CA

GoldenGirl's photo

City view from rooftop :)

Where are you at in your life stage?
25 year old WFM in tech as a designer! I’m currently working towards adding frontend development to my skillset to hopefully move towards the engineer title, hopefully within a few years <3
How's your life?
I’d say it’s balanced! I don’t have a lot to complain about. I’m not originally from Orange County but I genuinely do love it here, so I’m hoping to can meet a community where we can all experience life here to the fullest :)
What helps you keep your sanity?
I’m really big on quality time and acts of service, so I’m a huge foodie (boba included C:), video games, art, fashion, and just hanging out with friends :)
What is most important to you right now?
Community! My case isn’t special, but after graduating I realized I missed the social aspect of life. I’m just hoping to meet new people and form some meaningful friendships ^^
Anything you recently found interesting?
Feng cha’s taro milk tea is quite a staple o3o
Coffee Tasting @ Blue Hummingbird Coffee
Sat, Oct 26 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Irvine, CA
Dive into the rich world of specialty coffee with Blue Hummingbird Coffee! Join our exclusive tasting event to explore diverse bean origins, guided by coffee experts. 

All participants will take home a gift bag of the assorted freshly roasted beans used in the tasting, allowing you to recreate the experience at home. Don't miss this unique opportunity to elevate your coffee knowledge and palate – limited spots available, so reserve yours today!
View details
If adulting wasn't a thing, what would be your ideal way to spend time and enjoy life?
Asked by


Monterey Park
So much traveling! I have such a love for historical architecture, and a fascination with different cultures. I'd want to eat everything, learn different cultural norms and try out new activities. Like, I've never been horse-riding but I do archery. It'd be cool to get to try archery practice on a horse. Or snowboarding. I've never tried mountains outside of California so that sounds like a fun trip too.
I would spend time with people who I enjoy their company doings things both of us loved.
I would spend my time learning languages and linguistics - both are so fascinating to me! and I really believe that learning languages opens one's mind to new ideas/philosophies via access to other cultures


She / Her

Irvine, CA

BobbleBirb's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
Mid 30s, in a currently DINKWAD household. I moved back to Irvine to be closer to family after almost a decade and a half in San Diego. This move happened during COVID, following a switch to a WFH job. There’s still a general sense of awkwardness, of not feeling fully settled, yet, despite being in my current home for almost a year. After having a full and strong community of friends in SD, I now find myself in a “new” city with only a couple friends nearby and a challenge to make more. My mid-year resolution is to make a greater effort to meet new people and to get back into old hobbies (art, reading, and fitness).
How's your life?
A recent quote I heard is to not question the good in your life but to accept it, and in general, I try to practice gratitude everyday. So while I have goals to strengthen parts of my life, overall, it’s pretty good!
What helps you keep your sanity?
Working out (HIIT, strength training, dance, yoga, rock climbing, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc; I like to try it all.. even though I may not be very good at it..), catching up with friends, time with family, meditation, cooking, and taking my golden retriever puppy (he’s almost 2 yrs but forever my big baby) to new, fun places.
What is most important to you right now?
Rebuilding my community in a new area and living my life with more balance and presence.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Around 4 months ago, I started getting into Formula 1 and learned there is a lot more strategy, physicality, and drama than just people in helmets going zoom zoom around a track. Thanks to Netflix Drive to Survive, I will be attending the Grand Prix race in Austin this October!
Hellooo, checked out your profile after reading your comment : ) Laughed since my husband is a huge Formula 1 fan. That is awesome you also rock climb! I've always wanted to try paddle boarding/kayaking but never got aronud to it.. As to your question about psych thriller films- Requiem for a dream is a long time fav of mine and movies like Oldboy really stuck with me. If you're into 'law thrillers' at all, we just watched "Dark Waters" with Mark Ruffalo and highly recommend.. : ) Based on a true story!
@Toscano Haha my husband is definitely way more into F1. It's hard staying up to watch some of those races. I haven't done any of those 3 activities in a while but always down to do something fun over the weekend! And thanks for the movie recommendations! Old Boy has been on my list a long time, and I haven’t heard of Dark Waters. I remember Requiem for a Dream making me feel depressed, but it was a good film haha


She / Her

Menlo Park, CA

RandomRumination's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
Just entered the 40s club. Moved to SF less than a decade ago. Have a decent career in tech, I like to think I earn to pay for my travel :). I stay active by walking, running, hiking, going to gym. Personal life could do better though. Figured my peace and happiness matters most and I prioritize that.
How's your life?
Life is mostly good. Have a small group of close friends. I enjoy deep conversations over small talk. Also I am introvert-ish so it is difficult to make new friends. I am glad to have come across ATC, this feels like a blessing. I am that person who sits with a book in cafe. Hoping to find some coffee company thro ATC
What helps you keep your sanity?
I would like to think i am sane :) . What helps - Meditation, outdoors, cooking and sometimes music. Positive thinking is key.
What is most important to you right now?
Travel and photography. I want to go on adventures, see the 7 wonders, puffins, bald eagles and all the beautiful creatures, nature, understand people and culture - how things are different from me or where I am. I want to make the most of this phase of life now that covid lockdowns are behind us and while I have the money and energy
Anything you recently found interesting?
INaturalist.. We go for hikes around the bay but do we pause to observe plants, trees, birds around us? So much to see and learn around us , we just have to put our phones down and observe nature.
Hi, love your profile. I sent you a coffee request.
Which one of the 7 wonders would you pick first? Interesting username and profile. Sent a cofee request.


She / Her

Tustin, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
As the username mentions, I am feeling pretty uprooted in life right now. I have moved a little too much for my taste over the last few years, and I am feeling ready to hopefully stay put for a while. I am 28, married, no kids and live an active lifestyle.
How's your life?
Life is going pretty okay. I moved to norther Orange County about 5 months ago, and am starting to feel a bit more settled in my day to day, however I am finding it really difficult to meet people.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Staying in a work out routine, pottery, climbing, and making sure I take time to recharge.
What is most important to you right now?
Starting each day with positive intention. It has been really helpful to try and find joy first thing in the morning, so I can carry it throughout my day!
Anything you recently found interesting?
I recently read the poppy section of “This is your mind on drugs” by Michael Pollan. It’s fascinating how laws around things like this work. It’s not illegal to grow poppies unless you have knowledge about their effect on the mind. Kinda crazy.


She / Her

Irvine, CA

crownedbybeauty's photo

Takeoff From John Wayne✈️🌊

Where are you at in your life stage?
35, single, with no children. I’m in beauty school for their esthetician program🧖🏻‍♀️✨I enjoy traveling, fine dining, gourmet cooking, the spa, pilates, the beach, picnics, therapy, journaling, coffee shops, gelato, and Disney🌊🧜🏼‍♀️I have a love for cars, movies, music, the ballet, concerts, and art galleries🩰✨
How's your life?
Stressful. I’m focusing on beauty school, though I make time for social gatherings. Recently got into metal and it’s now one of my favorite genres. I’ve been searching new avenues to enjoy, such as signing up for sushi making, and painting classes🖤✨I graduate in February and will be taking my state board exam✏️🤓
What helps you keep your sanity?
Jesus. The ocean is my sanctuary. I go to my favorite beach spots to pray, worship, and journal, while listening to sound meditations. I also enjoy getting massages and facials to help me relax🧖🏻‍♀️🥂
What is most important to you right now?
Building genuine, platonic friendships, from all walks of life, that are not surface leveled✨💕
Anything you recently found interesting?
O2 hydrogen peroxide opens up follicles, which readies the skin for extractions from blackheads, resulting in smoother, and glowing skin🧖🏻‍♀️💋
Hmm, that's weird! Usually, based on past experience, when you coffee each other then you're automatically able to see each other's messages (I think?). I just emailed ATC for help. Stay tuned!


He / Him

Palo Alto, CA

mokapot's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
After 12 years in tech as an engineer & engineering manager I left my 9-5 job about 3 months ago. Launched and shutdown a startup since then, and now exploring what to do next. Although I miss the comfort and security of a regular paycheck, I am enjoying the opportunity to learn new things and the idea that I have the freedom to choose where and how I'd spend the next few years of my life is exciting.
How's your life?
Life is okay. I am grateful for all the good (and bad, but mostly good) fortune I had to arrive at this stage of my life largely unscathed. I was always very shy and introverted, coupled with the constant drive to be productive meant I never really developed a deep sense of community. Feeling a little less lonely is something I am working towards (not very successfully I should add), but I understand that no one owes me companionship.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Yoga and walking.
What is most important to you right now?
My family, I miss them dearly. Ever since I left home 20 years ago in search of greener pastures, my goal has always been to build a future which includes everyone. Life happened, and now I am a little scared that I am running out of time.
Anything you recently found interesting?
How easy it is to make a decent soup. Especially the ones involving root vegetables. On a completely different note, I'm just realizing how fond of birds I am. Just looking at them makes me forget everything.
What unexpected joy did you encounter today?
Asked by


I was able to pick up everything off my floor enough to vacuum. Was surprisingly cathartic.
Mission Viejo
I slept really well for the first time in months, I'm really happy
This afternoon, I made matcha with the best dispersion of green tea powder I've ever managed in the past few months.


He / Him

Anaheim, CA

ikigai's photo

Took a trip to Yosemite recently, this was Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail!

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m currently 24 years old and in the stage of my life where I'm finding a lot of peace of mind. After years of having a singular focus on the university and career grind, I’m finally taking a moment to breathe and really reflect on my journey.
How's your life?
I am happy with my life. There’s still a lot I’d like to work on: family, friends, and personal goals, but in the grand scheme of things, I am incredibly fortunate.
I would still like to achieve more, as I’ve always had that mindset in the past—however this time I’d like to do so in moderation, and to take it step by step and enjoy the journey.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Honestly, maintaining perspective. Only recently have I learned to consciously value my mood and consider the thoughts I allow to linger in my head.
Having hobbies that I enjoy also helps a lot! Board games, Backpacking, Finding some good eats always helps me (:
What is most important to you right now?
Peace and autonomy. I’m incredibly content with my life right now, I’m currently where I’d like to be in my life. But in the past, I can’t say I haven’t felt a lot of pressure, internally and externally, to take my life down paths other people expect of me and I think that hasn’t allowed me to enjoy the moments of my life fully.
Now I take a lot of joy in doing the things that I like, just because I felt like it—like writing and mailing letters to my friends and elderly neighbors across the country or taking some swing dancing classes for fun.
Anything you recently found interesting?
That with many credit cards (including zero fee cards) if you bought something then subsequently lost or broke it within a timeframe (around 120 days) you can file a claim to the credit card company under their Purchase Protection Policy and they’ll replace or refund the item for you free of charge.
I’m a big finance nerd, so it’s an odd hobby of mine to learn these things.
So if I bought a new phone recently within 120 days, and dropped it and need to repair the screen, I could file a claim with my credit card company and they'll fix it for me--free of charge.
Kinda wild, isn’t it?
Sent all y'all requests, thanks for reaching out! :)
Hi! I love how peaceful and calm you seem post grad. I’m still in university but I enjoy seeing this as my future.