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around the corner where two strangers meet over coffee


She / Her

Los Angeles, CA

CookieMonster's photo

A water dog enjoying her life 🏖️

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m 26, training for a 26 mile run! Just moved to Los Angeles, CA from Portland, OR! Missing the good friends I made in Oregon and the beautiful nature scene, but also excited to explore a new city with the delicious food spots it comes with! I'm a WFH engineer at Intel.
How's your life?
It’s going. I feel like life is passing me by so quickly. Sometimes I go hard at work and focus on climbing the corporate ladder. Sometimes I feel the want to go into the wilderness and disconnect from the world. Sometimes I want to play a board games with friends and get some great food. Sometimes I get lost in a single player story video game.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Right now, my dog and my partner. Going out to eat tasty food together and watching my dog living her best life keeps me going. And cookies :)
What is most important to you right now?
Not getting injured while marathon training. Connecting with new people in the area. Learning and growing into adulthood.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Did you know that Germany has 80% of the world’s sparkling water consumption?
I was in Corbett/Portland in September and I loved it. Oregon people are really great, glad we stole one
@yossarian I also love board games that are a little more thoughtful than the usual party games!
Coffee Tasting @ Blue Hummingbird Coffee
Sat, Oct 26 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Irvine, CA
Dive into the rich world of specialty coffee with Blue Hummingbird Coffee! Join our exclusive tasting event to explore diverse bean origins, guided by coffee experts. 

All participants will take home a gift bag of the assorted freshly roasted beans used in the tasting, allowing you to recreate the experience at home. Don't miss this unique opportunity to elevate your coffee knowledge and palate – limited spots available, so reserve yours today!
View details
What do people usually get wrong about you?
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He / Him

San Jose, CA

Kood's photo

My tabby cat sunbathing

Where are you at in your life stage?
At 29, a little bit lost, a little bit curious. Questioning the decisions I've made, grateful for the life I've lived.
How's your life?
It's okay. I'm realizing I don't like my job, which I moved to the bay area for 6 months ago, but I found a new passion for art and creative. I love stories, visual and written, and I'd love to leave touching stories in my life. I'm in the process of quitting my secure job to adventure into my passion of making indie games.
What helps you keep your sanity?
My cat. My SO. Movies. Books. Cute indie games. Drawing. My music playlist. Ice vanilla latte.
What is most important to you right now?
I want to become a better artist and create my own indie games! Meeting fellow creatives, all kinds, would be amazing too :)
Anything you recently found interesting?
I find story structure in any medium fascinating. From a painting that tells a lifelong story through its composition and details to a YouTube video that hides its story through a bite sized snack. I'm amazed by the artistry of these masters of craft.
As a fellow orange tabby owner, I have to say--your cat is adorable! I share in your love of stories and storytelling. Good stories in various forms and video games have been a huge part of my life. I've sent you a coffee request!
Hi, do you have a favorite painter, whose story adds so much depth to their work? Sent you a coffee request


He / Him

Los Gatos, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
Recently laid off from a software engineering position. Currently in grad school, enjoying nature and appreciating family while applying. Unmarried, no children, and sort of new to the area.
How's your life?
I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately due to massive life changes but I’m working on resettling in the bay. All in all, can’t complain honestly.
What helps you keep your sanity?
In Boston, I’d cycle, rock climb, or check out towns along the commuter rails. I’m looking to get into mountain biking while I’m here but haven’t gotten a bike yet. Reading and writing help too.
What is most important to you right now?
Finding a new friend group and doing social stuff. Family and career are important too but without a sense of belonging it can be difficult to focus on the other things.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Currently reading a book that serves as a scathing rebuke of car centric infrastructure. Will probably move to something on the extra judicial power of sheriffs afterwards.
I’m down to find an indoor climbing buddy if you’re into that. Unfortunately haven’t been cleared for physical activity yet and probably won’t start until next year, but in the meantime can see if we vibe?


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

MinorMapillai's photo

Sea Cliff Av makes my jaw drop

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm at my quarter-life-, what-do-i-want-for-a-midlife crisis stage. I'm in my mid-twenties, moved to San Francisco a little bit more than a year ago (have loved every minute of it). I'm also early in my career doing something I am passionate about but work, for me, has been a way to do the things that make me earn life experiences; I predominantly get this by doing a lot of things outdoors so I am very active but I also love to consume art as well be that through reading, watching, or listening.
How's your life?
Peaceful, content, and exciting. It surprises me daily that my life is this way because there was a point 2-3 years ago where I wouldn't have imagined life would ever be good to me. I'm extremely grateful for where I am today. I have a couple close friends with whom I do a lot of activities but I mostly do things by myself (I enjoy them very much) — things like picking a neighborhood and zigzagging through it to explore. I haven't made many new friends since moving to the city because I just end up doing things by myself but I want to break that and try to go out of my comfort zone, hoping this happens through AroundTheCorner because meeting new people, and making new friendships is a life experience I struggle to earn.
What helps you keep your sanity?
3 o'clock team time. It is a sacred time, a non-negotiable that I look forward to daily. Making tea, while singing along to my tea time playlist with the sun shining through my windows and the breeze playing with my curtains is a sight I will never get tired of. Along with this, I also have reading time, gaming time, and exploration time. Each meaningful and special to me its own way.
What is most important to you right now?
Not losing the wonder with which I saw the world as a kid. Do you remember how the grass, wind, sun, clouds and everything else, small and big, (even the gray of the walls) awed you as a kid? I think we get caught up in life and stop appreciating all that after a point. I live slow, to relearn the wonder and curiosity I inadvertently put aside. I love to travel (currently planning my first solo trip to Costa Rica!), taking photos, and looking with awe at everything this fabulous pale blue dot has to offer.
Anything you recently found interesting?
A travelogue called "Cyclettes". It's about all the cycles the author has owned and the impact each one of them had on them. My cycle, and cycling in general, is something I hold dear because it was how I was first able to express my freedom. I always heard "freedom", and "free" as a kid but never really expressed it or experienced it's meaning until I started cycling. This travelogue/memoir caught my eye immediately because I could relate to it in a lot of ways.
Sent a coffee request
Hi! I love how you expanded on childlike wonder and perception. I feel as if it is all too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the mundane routine of life when transitioning into adulthood- I strive to maintain my curiosity for life and appreciate the beauty that exists in the little things. I found the concept of your Costa Rica trip interesting! Solo traveling is definitely something I would like to try but I am hesitant to do so because traveling alone is a scary concept to me. Sent a coffee req :)


She / Her

Irvine, CA

honeynutcheerios's photo

My kitties

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm in the mid-30s and feeling it to be a bit transitional as half my friends are in the marriage/children phase of their lives and I'm not.
How's your life?
My life is overall good - I am trying to re-explore some old hobbies of mine and working towards some new goals in life, such as running and working on writing a collection of short stories.
What helps you keep your sanity?
My cats - they literally keep me from going crazy. No drama, no judgement from them, just cuddly snuggles.
Reading - I've been on a reading binge lately and love pretty much every genre out there.
What is most important to you right now?
Finding my place and being comfortable being myself. I've spent a large chunk of my life trying to live and appease other people that I now want to focus on myself.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Nothing really, but I love to learn new facts. :)
Sent a coffee!
I used to be only a dog person until I got a cat a couple of years ago. I realized how much I underestimated how cool cats are really are.


He / Him

Irvine, CA

nicholas's photo

I visit the same restaurant in the Bay Area for peking duck each summer with friends

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm in my mid 30s, married, and father to a lovable 2 year old boy and baby girl born in May. I moved to CA in 2017 from Baltimore, and decided to officially make Irvine our home in 2019. I want to build a community and an environment that provides a fulfilling and meaningful life for myself and my growing family.
How's your life?
As of January, I am working on Around The Corner full time! This has continued to be an incredibly fulfilling project. I recently reflected that, if I won the lottery, I wouldn't change anything about how I spend my time. I am putting my time towards things I really care about. My family, my community, and improving the lives of others. I'm slowly but surely building up the meaningful connections in my own life, and the future is looking bright.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Getting outside for a walk or hike, disconnecting from my devices, and focusing on the present moment helps. Being a father reminds me daily of what's important in life. I like to think about what I can do now that will make my children proud of their Dad when they grow up and become wiser. Besides that, I love devoting myself to meaningful projects. Before learning about ATC, I built and managed an online platform for private 1:1 conversations for 5 years. I had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of people from various backgrounds and perspectives from different countries.
What is most important to you right now?
Building meaningful connections within my local community is the most important thing to me. Trust takes time to build and is easily damaged. We've all had to endure divisive politics, sensationalized news, superficial social media, a global pandemic, mass shootings, and the list grows larger every day. It may seem unnatural to open up to a stranger, but it's one meaningful connection at a time that will improve all our lives. More recently, I want to find a way to sustain Around The Corner to be a long lasting endeavor. Please don't hesitate to leave feedback!
Anything you recently found interesting?
After hosting the silent reading party event recently, I wondered why is it that I feel so much happiness simply being around people who share the same interest. I found the term "collective effervescence" which captures this phenomena. I've also been trying to learn how to skateboard in earnest for the first time, and it is humbling. That along with bouldering has helped me practice overcoming fear, finding my personal limits, and appreciate the difficulty of training fine motor skills. I hope these personal challenges will give me more general confidence.
Congrats on your newborn baby 👶
@CH Thank you!!
If adulting wasn't a thing, what would be your ideal way to spend time and enjoy life?
Asked by


Monterey Park
So much traveling! I have such a love for historical architecture, and a fascination with different cultures. I'd want to eat everything, learn different cultural norms and try out new activities. Like, I've never been horse-riding but I do archery. It'd be cool to get to try archery practice on a horse. Or snowboarding. I've never tried mountains outside of California so that sounds like a fun trip too.
I would spend time with people who I enjoy their company doings things both of us loved.
I would spend my time learning languages and linguistics - both are so fascinating to me! and I really believe that learning languages opens one's mind to new ideas/philosophies via access to other cultures


She / Her

Foothill Ranch, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I recently graduated and started a career in software engineering. I moved back home and am living with my parents. Now that I’m off the academic grind, I’ve been doing some soul searching to try and figure out what’s next for myself.
How's your life?
Comfortable! I’m happy, healthy, and enjoying my early 20s! I’ve been consumed by the 9-5 corporate grind, but I’m learning to maintain a strong work-life balance. I’m grateful for the life I get to live and I’m constantly seeking to remain fulfilled.
What helps you keep your sanity?
My dog and new hobbies! I pick up new hobbies every day and am pretty bad at sticking to one thing. I’m very active and curious and love trying new things. My hobbies (amongst many) include arts and crafts (crocheting, drawing, painting), video games with friends, reading books, and recreational sports (hiking, tennis, volleyball)! I love a good foodieventure and pretty sights!
What is most important to you right now?
My family is my top priority. I’ve been away for college the last few years and missed out on lots of family time. I’m actively trying to make up for it while also maintaining a healthy balance to support my own personal needs. I’m seeking a more active social life with people who live in my city. I moved away from many of my friends in college and I keep up with them every once in a while, but I crave spending in-person time with people.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I’ve had a lot of new experiences and picked up a ton of new (and old) hobbies recently and I never knew how easy it was. I haven’t necessarily stuck to all of them, but I’m really proud of myself for trying. I’ve learned a lot about myself and I’m having a lot of fun! I’m not normally a super outgoing person, but I do like to challenge myself. I’ve exceeded the range of my comfort zone in all the best ways possible and I hope to never lose this drive!
I love volleyball and tennis, but it's always hard to find people to play with!
I love drawing and video games as well! Also a woman in tech :) What kind of games are you into?