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around the corner where two strangers meet over coffee


He / Him

Newark, CA

WorkInTechGotToPayBayAreaRent:/'s photo


Where are you at in your life stage?
Early 30s, settled, married, working in tech in Bay Area (surprise surprise!), no kids - actually, learning to adult better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Looking to find my tribe! Whether it's deep convos, lighthearted banter, epic board game battles, or exploring new eateries and activities!
How's your life?
Happy and content. Discovering more about myself and the world each day. I had prioritised my career at the expense of building/maintaining social connections in the past and have made a conscious effort to rectify it in the last 5 years. Have come to realise and cherish the peace that strong friendships bring to one’s life. I’m particularly curious to understand why male friendships are often neglected and relegated to a second tier. I hope this medium gives me a chance to explore this further.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Working out, reading, traveling and humor. Got off instagram a few months ago, and having recovered from the dopamine crash, I can devote a lot of my time to what brings me the most joy and purpose.
Spent some time traveling in Europe last year and India this year with hopefully a few weeks in Mexico to come.
I lost 60 lbs over the course of 4 years and started building towards Olympic weightlifting last year. Also, looking to get back into playing tennis or pickleball on a regular basis.
Joined an in-person book club last year and loved it. Gives me an awesome opportunity to read books I normally wouldn’t go for.
Watched a few stand up comedy shows across Bay Area but definitely looking for more recommendations.
What is most important to you right now?
Connecting with interesting individuals who are curious about the world and taking baby steps towards identifying people I can build solid foundation of friendship.
I believe it’s also important to acknowledge the bubbles we trap ourselves in and venture beyond it. Would love to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, opinions and professions.
Anything you recently found interesting?
1. The Swiss have a concept where they have free-wheeling conversations about death over tea and cake. 2. Been reading about how every creature on this planet has a unique and beautiful story - how melodious male nightangles make the best fathers, Kiwis that have adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle to fit in New Zealand’s habitat and chameleons possess the most fascinating eyes. 3. Besides that, I recently spent some time at a coffee estate and learned about coffee making.

Sure, I'll send a coffee request which you can reciprocate if you like.


Sent a coffee request!

What's your favorite quote?
Asked by


Questions you cannot answer are usually far better for you than answers you cannot question.
San Jose
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate the beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch Or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!” I first encountered this quote on the back of a cafe's business card in Davis, CA and I've kept that card for the past 10+ years. As someone who used to get lost in chasing external validation, this quote helps ground me in what really matters. The bit about knowing even one life as has breathed easier because I have lived resonates with me most. My other favorite quote is YOLO because I can't argue with that.
Costa Mesa
"Suck it, Trebek!" Not exactly sure it's my favorite but it's one that I always makes me laugh :)


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

SunsetNatureLover's photo

Mesmerized by the Giant Sequoia. That’s tiny little me at the bottom

Where are you at in your life stage?
Just turned 36, happily married with a senior dog living in the Outer Sunset. Love being next to the ocean. Being an immigrant who came to the Us when I was 17, this truly was the dream. Having said that I am starting to realize the limbo I feel being bi cultural.
How's your life?
Life is blessed. My partner and I are both healthy. Our parents are old but healthy. We are financially stable, have secure jobs, have a great home. We are genuinely lucky! And yet I am lonely. I lack community and family. I want a group of people who I know will always have my back, and I will have theirs.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Just being outdoors. Runs on the beach. Tennis or hikes. I have found a new appreciation for nature in the past few years and have been actively getting into gardening. I volunteer regularly at a local community garden as well. It feels amazing just to be out in the sun working with my hands
What is most important to you right now?
Finding local people who want to hangout regularly, form deeper connections and build community. It’s ok to make work friends or other acquaintances, but I really feel like people come and go in this transient city. I want to build long term friendships.
Anything you recently found interesting?
SF has so many community gardens and urban farms. There is a whole diaspora trying really hard to improve our urban ecology, connect people to food growing and preserving native flora and fauna. Would love to chat with you about this and learn more if you know of other organizations


She / Her

San Jose, CA

Ruby's photo

Nothing like good food and good company!

Where are you at in your life stage?
Early thirties, currently rolling up to another transition point—prior military, public school teacher, and now about to graduate Physician Assistant school in 1 month 23 days (not like anyone's counting)!
How's your life?
Transition points are tough. I'm currently in a weird in-between where I'm chomping at the bit to move home to the Bay because I'm absolutely burnt out from school and I miss California. On the other hand, I've come to realize that the person who moved to Utah to pursue her medical dream isn't the same person who's leaving. As this chapter is closing, I'm trying to make sense of how my identity has shifted and who I want to be. Uprooting to a completely new place alone has been a journey with lots of ups and downs. It taught me a lot about myself, including how to be my own emotional support and how navigate better (I used to have a horrible sense of direction, sort of still do, haha)! When I first moved to Utah, I wanted to go home immediately but over time I've grown fond of Salt Lake and become attached to the people I've met here. I'm the sentimental type who prefers to make long-lasting friendships, so saying goodbye is pretty rough!
What helps you keep your sanity?
Brazilian jiujitsu because the last I checked, it’s not socially nor legally acceptable to choke out your colleagues when they piss you off. Only joking! I sincerely love bjj and I try to find humor in most things as it makes life’s challenges more bearable. I also love yoga, hiking, weightlifting, swimming, and taking evening walks while listening to podcasts. I play guitar and sing. I love getting lost in a good book/show/anime/manga (I like to joke that this is a form of free therapy for me). Going for a drive and exploring new spots always lifts my mood. And food—I cannot overstate how much joy I get from food, especially when I discover new coffee shops/restaurants!
What is most important to you right now?
For now, surviving this last month until graduation! For the long term, I'm hoping to create a fulfilling career in medicine and teaching. I also want to carve out time to explore hobbies that I've neglected or have been to shy to pursue, like art/music and stand up comedy. The older I get, the more I've come to appreciate having meaningful relationships so I'm hoping to meet people who want to build a friendship where we can support each other and go out to enjoy fun things but also share dumb jokes and memes.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I'm currently learning how to drive stick and it's been a fun challenge! I appreciate that it's made me more in tune with my car and has, in my opinion, enhanced the experience of driving.
I also find sea otters to be super interesting! They hold hands to keep their paws warm and carry around their favorite rock for cracking open shells. Apparently sea otter pups are born with buoyant fur so they can't sink or dive. They're kind of stuck bobbing in the water and are totally dependent on momma otter for food!

@CaptainEyePoker Thank you! Love the username, by the way!


@WorkInTechGotToPayBayAreaRent:/ Sorry for the late reply; I was out of town for a wedding. Just sent you a coffee request! :)


He / Him

San Mateo, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm in my 40s,
I live in the peninsula and mostly work in the south bay The weekday flies by quickly due to work but i don't work past 40hrs, so i do have a good amount of time to myself. I'm happy being on the peninsula with the central proximity to sf, sj, east bay, the bay, the ocean, and major freeways/highways.
Career- wise I work as an ibew inside wireman electrician. I have a stable career and I'm financially stable. It's an easy job that doesn't take much mental strength which i like. It allows me to daydream while working since most of the work is physical but not strenuous at all
This helps fund the few and only interest i have. I feel as i get older i start to weed out more and more interests that do not directly benefit me like i used to have. I don't need much but the few things i need, I'm able to afford.
How's your life?
Life seems pretty easy as of now. I don't have any mental, physical or financial problems. Socially can be more of a challenge. Most people my age are either at home or the bar, and i don't go to the bar so there is little chance to meet people that are my age.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Staying up late, Waking up late, and not having a schedule. Being able to do nothing feels nice. No work, no housework, no place to be, no worries in mind.
On the other hand i like to ride my ebike along the beaches and around the bay. I like to eat at new places and people watch to see what other people's lives are like.
What is most important to you right now?
Aside from the family, i like to be free of obligation, having freedom to do whatever i want to is important. Whether i want to watch how to cook videos, how it's made videos, or laying in the lawn chair; i like to have little to no agenda.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Massage. I recently found how to massage with hands and with one of those vibrating guns that they have at Costco. I was about to get rid of pains from old injuries as well as help a few other people. I am not a masseuse but i have been researching anatomy in my free time.
Learning to cook real meals. Good homemade food is almost better in every way than going out. I've recently been researching French, Italian, Vietnamese and Southern cooking, fish and meats. I don't eat enough of the food i make so i end up giving it to neighbors, elderly, young busy folks, CO workers, some friends that are handicapped, and strangers when i get a chance. During the pandemic i dedicated 200 dollars per week in meals that i made myself. I love to see the reaction and how it'll brighten most people's days. I did this because i know I'm in a good place and people were struggling.


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
Is this asking what stage I'm at in life? I'm doing great. I'm very stable in mid-adulthood. It's really weird to think I'm approaching or already at "middle age", but I suppose that's where I am. I'm almost 40. But I feel like I never really had a childhood or adolescence so how did I get here? I left home at 18 and spent the next decade building a new life from scratch, without the help of my family, so I've always been extremely self-reliant and necessarily very career focused. If my job goes away, I have nothing else to fall back on, no other support. I moved out here for my career a few years ago, right at the beginning of lockdown. My job is really good. I actually enjoy enough of it enough of the time, and the past few years I've even managed to not obsess about it and move away from my career defining my self. So life is good.
How's your life?
Overall, terrific. I feel silly complaining about anything because my life is the best it's ever been by a huge margin and I have very little stress. But I am kinda lonely. I just ended a long relationship with someone who, years ago, I thought would become my life partner. I moved to the bay area right at the beginning of lockdown and I never made many friends outside of work. And I just moved into SF so I know almost no one here and I'm looking for ways to meet new people. But I'm surrounded by tons of things I love. I am absolutely obsessed with food, and I can walk to dozens of outstanding restaurants. I love music, and the bay area has plenty of good music. I love nature and the outdoors and I can walk around this amazing city and on weekends it's only a few minutes drive up to Marin, which is drop dead gorgeous. My life is pretty great.
What helps you keep your sanity?
I don't feel like this takes much effort. I'm very lucky to be able to say that. That wasn't always the case. I have a pretty low-stress life currently. I spend a lot of time thinking about and creating and consuming really good food. I try to spend some time outside every week, hiking or biking or backpacking. And I build lots of things. My hobby projects are fun and therapeutic at first, but then they inevitably grow out of control and become producers of new stress so I need to take breaks from them and go spend time outside.
What is most important to you right now?
Finding some purpose and meeting new people. I spent twenty years just trying to reach financial and emotional stability, and now I'm finally there and I have bandwidth to think about other things. My job is good, but I'm not convinced it's really making the world a better place and it's not very fulfilling on its own. I'm looking for volunteer work to do evenings and weekends. I'm looking for ways to embed myself in a community. I'd love to find people to go hiking and kayaking and backpacking and biking with.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I always have a few books open. Currently I'm reading one about meditation, which is fascinating, especially that meditation is both a tool to solve specific problems but also an end in itself. I have another one about abusive parents, and it was very refreshing to see "oh, my parents weren't unique, in fact there's an entire book about them". And another that is really, really weird, a philosophical "cookbook" written by italian artists in the 1930s, very bizarre recipes for food-as-performance-art, quite interesting and entertaining if you can get past the fascism.


He / Him

Irvine, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
Turned 40 recently. AI researcher. Single, no kids.
How's your life?
Can't complain really, but would be better with more social connection/community/meaning. Wondering if I should move somewhere new. Considering Bay Area or Japan.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Exercise (pickleball, hiking, running...), meditation, avoiding the internet.
What is most important to you right now?
Would like to expand my social circle a bit. Also trying to improve my exercise routine.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I've been learning some Japanese (still beginner level). It's interesting to observe both a very different language/culture and the learning process itself. Also have been making a conscious effort to say no to distractions in life.
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Asked by


El Cerrito
I bring my own food containers to pack leftover when I go out to eat.
San Francisco
I multitask in a perhaps off-putting way. I'm always doing at least 2 things at a time, sometimes 3. Like I will be eating dinner while playing a computer game and also watching TV (volume on for both if no one's around, I am most comfortable with just the right amount of sensory chaos)
San Francisco
I can only whistle subconsciously. If I start realizing that I am whistling, I will somehow stop


She / Her

Irvine, CA

PistachioCrunch's photo

Little wins in life

Where are you at in your life stage?
Just started my 30s. Married with a crazy puppy! When will the teething and barking stop?? Wondering if I should do a career switch but at the same time I don't want to do more schooling.
How's your life?
It's meh. I feel this sense of stress everyday but I'm trying to find ways to get my mind out of the gutter. Hoping that finding new friends will give me a new perspective.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Definitely friends and coffee. And therapist.
What is most important to you right now?
Thinking about how I should live the next ten years. I need a game plan and make decisions of my own.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Is It sad that I didn't find anything interesting? I mean I guess I found some interesting stuff about my friends but that's about It. This makes me think that I should go out more...

Lets grab a coffee and go for a walk.


you're doggo sounds like a high energy little monster! Hope you can get through the teething phase quickly :)